Stax Of Wax From Yesteryear!!
I created this blog to share with the world the music I've enjoyed throughout my years as a DJ on this little planet of ours. I strive for quality links, not quantity. (No links to garbage sounding, double patched, atrocious pops, clicks, and crackles). And they will be from the same source, (i.e. CD, cassette, but mostly vinyl), not mixed "Build A 12 Inch" CRAP like some of the other blogs out there! So they will have the same tonal quality so to speak. If you already have something that is posted here, follow the link. It will most likely lead to a cleaner sounding result! With that being said, Welcome to my blog....and let's start this journey together!!! I will be updating it on a regular basis, so return here often! Better yet, Bookmark it or "FOLLOW" me!! And if you post on another site, all I ask is you give "me" (this blog) the proper credit!! DON'T FORGET TO SHOW ME SOME LOVE BY DONATING IN THE TIP JAR!!! AND CLICK ON THE "LIKE" BUTTON!!! TELL A FRIEND (PASS IT ON)!!!!
Link Fixed!!!